What's Bokura Kukuretai anyways?
Bokura Kukuretai was a doujin circle consisting of Miru Shimotsuki and Yuu Orikata that was active between 1994 and 2005. They made doujinshi for various anime and manga, however most of their work after 2000 revolved around Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters. They primarily made gag (comedy) doujinshi geared towards a female audience (joseimuke).
What happened to them?
In 2005 they announced that they were ending activities and that they would be taking down their website soon. They stated that due to real life responsibilities they would no longer be able to continue doujin activities.
Okay... well, what makes them any different from any other old doujin circle?
Notoriety, mainly. Due to being active both online and offline they had a fairly large reputation in early Yu-Gi-Oh fan communities. Their doujinshi were in such high demand that at one point on their website they were asking for people to volunteer to sell their doujinshi at events that they couldn't attend in person. Despite having fallen into the territory of ultra obscure otaku culture ephemera you can still find many of their doujinshi for sale secondhand on sites like Suruga and Ebay. In addition to this many fans most likely admired their artwork without knowing who created it, as their illustrations were widely reposted (without permission) on western sites like Tumblr and Fanpop in the 2000s and early 2010s.
Why did you make this page?
Because I find their artwork as well as the culture that it was a part of appealing and am surprised that there's hardly anyone out there in cyberspace who's interested in it nowadays considering it's popularity once upon a time. I also feel that there's a lack of interest in joseimuke fandom culture (despite female run websites hosting fanworks being a significant part of web revivalism), specifically from the time when sharing fan art over the internet was fairly new.
Some examples of their illustrations. A larger (yet incomplete) archive of their works can be found here.
Archived Bokura Kukuretai official site
Fanlore article about Bokura Kukuretai
A Windows Movie Maker slideshow from 2009 mostly using Bokura Kukuretai pictures
Related sites
Fanart and doujin sites that formed a part of the same corner of the internet that Bokura Kukuretai was a part of.
Kegi was another somewhat popular Yu-Gi-Oh fanartist/doujinka during the early and mid '00s. They produced fewer doujinshi but their CG style and traditional rkgk artwork is nice.
Tomatoma (run by Maruko Ameya) has a lot of nice CG style Yu-Gi-Oh illustrations as well.
Slightly newer illustration site run by Manjushage last updated in 2016. Has fanart from DM era to Zexal.
Yu-Gi-Oh Joseimuke Search was a site that served as a directory for female geared Yu-Gi-Oh fansites hosting things like fanart, fanfiction, etc. In a way it was the forerunner of the '遊戯王女性向け' tag on Pixiv.
Yu-Gi-Oh Walker was another Yu-Gi-Oh illustration and fanfiction website directory with a similar demographic. Somewhat better archived.